How Your Child's ADHD Can Affect the Whole Family

How Your Child's ADHD Can Affect the Whole Family

After your child gets a diagnosis of ADHD, your main focus is usually on helping your child adjust and manage their needs. Supporting your child with ADHD is a top priority, but after your child’s diagnosis, the rest of your family might also need assistance.

As part of treating your child after an ADHD diagnosis, Rainilda Valencia, MDMicaela Marin-Tucker, PA-C, and Megan Reynolds, C-PNP, recognize the needs your entire family can have. Discover from our expert pediatric team at Valencia Pediatrics in Victorville, California, how your child’s ADHD can impact your entire family.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a medical condition that often is diagnosed during childhood. A diagnosis of ADHD means your child has challenges with:

These symptoms might mean it’s hard for your child to complete assigned tasks, like homework, follow directions at school and at home, stay still in class or at mealtimes, and behave in age-appropriate ways socially. ADHD can also make it more difficult for your child to learn, maintain positive self-esteem and mental health, and establish a consistent routine.

How ADHD affects your whole family

Having ADHD not only makes life more challenging for your child, but it also has an influence on your entire family. Meeting the needs of a child with ADHD takes additional time, energy, and help from parents, siblings, and extended family.

Siblings can find it stressful to have a sibling who displays the behaviors of a child with ADHD. Your ADHD child’s behavior could make them feel anxious, embarrassed, or uncertain about how to connect with their sibling.

Sometimes, siblings also feel neglected or angry because of the extra attention the child with ADHD can get. In other instances, they feel guilty and worry they caused their sibling to develop ADHD.

An ADHD diagnosis can also impact other family members. Parents and other involved family members find meeting the needs of their ADHD child takes away from time for other activities. This can make it harder to maintain relationships, compromise connectedness with the entire family, and cause conflict and stress.

Helping the entire family after an ADHD diagnosis

Once your child has received a diagnosis of ADHD, it benefits your entire family to follow any treatments and therapies Dr. Valencia recommends for your child. These can include behavioral and other therapies, taking medication, and working with your family and child’s school to create an environment that works for your child.

As part of supporting your child with ADHD, our team works to ensure your entire family feels supported alongside your child. We recommend support groups, counseling, and training to help you assist your child while you also get your needs met.

Our team also assesses your child’s siblings to make sure they’re continuing to thrive after your child’s diagnosis. We recommend monitoring siblings and letting our team know if they show any signs of depression or anxiety.

Having a family member with ADHD can signal changes for your entire family, but with the right help for your child and support for other family members, a diagnosis can bring relief to everyone. For support for your child with ADHD, siblings, and parents, contact us today by calling 442-204-0019 to schedule an appointment.

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