The Importance of Establishing a Healthy Daily Routine for Your Child

The Importance of Establishing a Healthy Daily Routine for Your Child

It’s said that we’re all creatures of habit, but when it comes to following a daily routine, creating and maintaining the right structure for your child doesn’t always happen naturally. Making the effort, though, is well worth the work.

Creating routines that work for your entire family brings many benefits to your child. Discover from Rainilda Valencia, MD, Micaela Marin-Tucker, PA-C, and Megan Reynolds, C-PNP, pediatric care specialists at Valencia Pediatrics in Victorville, California, why it’s important to establish a healthy daily routine for your child.

Examples of healthy daily habits

A healthy daily routine involves weaving healthy habits into your child’s routine every day. Some of the regular habits you can integrate into your child’s routine include:

Healthy routines also involve building in time for fun. Make sure to build in time when your child can play, pursue hobbies, and socialize with friends.

How do daily routines benefit children?

A healthy daily routine supports your child’s positive growth and development. Some of the ways you can expect your child to thrive from a healthy daily routine include:

Better eating habits

You can get your child a healthy start with their nutrition by establishing a routine that includes consistent meal and snack times. Eating meals around the same time every day helps your child learn consistent physical cues that they’re hungry and full, which means they’re less likely to overeat.

During regular meal time, you can also make healthy choices for your child, including feeding them a diet filled with vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains. This teaches your child good habits with food they can continue into adulthood.

Regular exercise

Building regular exercise, sports, and active play into the day helps your child physically and mentally. On the physical side, being active helps them maintain a healthy weight and keeps their heart healthy.

On the emotional side, exercise helps your child learn to cope healthfully with stress. It can decrease anxiety and keep your child’s mood stable.

Improved sleep

Helping your child go to bed and wake up around the same time every day ensures they get the sleep they need. Children have an easier time falling and staying asleep when they maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

High-quality sleep helps your child’s physical growth, memory, social development, and mood. For younger children, consistent nap times are as important as a regular bedtime.

Easier transitions

When your child gets used to a regular daily routine, it makes it easier to move seamlessly from one activity to the next. This helps your child remain calm, move more quickly and efficiently between different activities, and makes it easier for them to plan and organize.

More opportunities for connection

A consistent routine makes it simpler for you to build in time together as a family and for your child to spend time with friends. Time with others helps your child develop a healthy emotional support network and aids them in building social skills.

Start your child’s healthy routine today

If your child doesn’t currently have a healthy daily routine, now is the perfect time to start. Our team can help you develop an age-appropriate routine for your child that benefits their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Contact us by calling Valencia Pediatrics today to schedule a pediatric care appointment for your child.

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