Treatment Options for Your Child's Allergies

When allergies kick in, it can be a frustrating and even miserable experience for you and your child. Allergies can cause your child to experience all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms and, without proper management, can even be life-threatening.

Rainilda Valencia, MD, a board-certified pediatrician practicing at Valencia Pediatrics in Victorville, California, understands the struggle allergies can cause children and their families. As an allergy specialist, Dr. Valencia is dedicated to bringing your child long-term allergy treatment solutions that provide relief.

Discover more about the treatment options available for children who experience allergies.

Understanding allergies

Allergies occur when your child has a reaction to a foreign substance. This response from their immune system is to a substance that most people find benign.

It’s possible to have an allergic reaction to almost anything. Some of the most common allergies in children include pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold, insects, and cigarette smoke.

Allergy symptoms

Allergy symptoms vary based on the type of allergy and the severity of your child’s immune response. Children with seasonal allergies, commonly known as hay fever, often experience sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose.

Insect allergies can cause an enlarged insect bite, hives, and wheezing. Allergies to foods or other ingested substances can cause upset stomach, hives, and swollen lips and mouth.

In most children, allergies are mild and not severely disruptive. However, children with severe non-seasonal allergies are at risk of having anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that causes shortness of breath.

Allergy treatment options

Dr. Valencia and her team, including Micaela Marin-Tucker, PA-C, and Megan Reynolds, C-PNP, work with your child to develop a treatment plan unique to their symptoms and the underlying cause of the allergic reaction. Before devising a treatment plan, in some instances, Dr. Valencia performs allergy testing to determine what substance is causing the reactions.

These are some of the most common allergy solutions your child’s treatment might encompass.

Limiting exposure to the allergen

Sometimes, the easiest way to eliminate allergic reactions is simply to avoid or limit your child’s likelihood of getting exposed to the substance. Dr. Valencia might advise your child to avoid foods, pet dander, and other triggering allergens.

Dr. Valencia works with your family to develop a plan to help make your child’s environment safe and free of allergies. She can also help your child understand how to avoid or minimize contact with triggering foreign substances.


When your child’s allergy isn’t avoidable, such as with seasonal allergies, Dr. Valencia prescribes medication that provides relief. Medications can reduce the level of your child’s immune response or reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.

Medications that can help your child with allergy relief include antihistamines, eye drops, and decongestants. If your child’s allergies cause asthma, Dr. Valencia can also prescribe and show your child how to use a prescription inhaler.

Emergency treatment

If your child’s allergies are life-threatening and can cause anaphylaxis, Dr. Valencia prescribes an emergency treatment, such as an EpiPen®, for your child to carry at all times. Using the EpiPen if your child is exposed to an allergen can provide life-saving support.

With the right interventions, your child can live with allergies without experiencing any disruptive or dangerous side effects. If your child suffers from allergies, contact our team at Valencia Pediatrics by phone today to make a telehealth or in-office appointment.

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